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DIY Buffalo Soldier Kit |
Tiedetään! Musiikki parantaa suorituskykyä kestävyysurheilussa, vähentää rasituksentunnetta ja saa jaksamaan pidempään:
Music in the exercise domain: a review and synthesis (Int Rev Sport Exerc Psychol. Mar 2012; 5(1): 44–66.)
"During repetitive, endurance-type activities, self-selected, motivational and stimulative music has been shown to enhance affect, reduce ratings of perceived exertion, improve energy efficiency and lead to increased work output."
Mutta seuravaa asiaa en tiennyt. Olen vain luukuttanut PUMP-IT-UP! "I'll slap you so fuckin' hard, It'll feel like you kissed a freight train" -tyyppistä musiikkia päästäkseni kauas ja kovaa. Väärin! Rennonletkeä, helppo, mukava hidastempoinen musiikki alentaa sykettä, vähentää rasituksen tunnetta ja tekee liikkumisesta helpompaa. Raju, nopea musiikki kiihdyttää sydämeniskuja epäluonnollisen korkealle ja tekee juoksusta taistelun. "The slower, softer music, which had about 100 beats per minute, led to reduced heart rates during exercise, increased endurance and a perception that their workout wasn’t as hard. The participants also reported that workouts were easier, and that soft music helped them to relax." // Physical Mag, Muscle Mozart or Metallica |
Haluatko lisää? Näitä tutkimuksia löytyy läjäpäin.
- Effects of types and intensities of background music on treadmill endurance. (Pubmed, Department of Physical Education and Dance, University of Tennessee.) "The three treatments were: loud, fast, exciting, popular music (Type A); soft, slow, easy-listening, popular music (Type B); and no music (control)
The peak HR and the HR in the minute preceding max were higher with Type B music. Time to exhaustion was longer during the Type B music treatment than during the control treatment. RPE was lower for Type B music than control during moderate work. This study provided some support for the hypothesis that soft, slow music reduces physiological and psychological arousal during submaximal exercise and increases endurance performance."
- Tästä (Carry-over effects of music in an isometric muscular endurance task.) ja tästä (Scientific America, The Psychology of Effective Workout Music ), jne.
Reggaessa on n. 60-100 iskua minuutissa. Ensi lauantaina Tampere Maratonilla soi Bob Marley - Best of.
"Buffalo soldier troddin' through the land, wo-ho-ooh!
Said he wanna ran, then you wanna hand,
Troddin' through the land, yea-hea, yea-ea."
Said he wanna ran, then you wanna hand,
Troddin' through the land, yea-hea, yea-ea."